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AOU 2011 Day 1
Here’s a new batch of images to come out of AOU 2011 that is now taking place in Japan. We’re not able to be there personally but there is quite a bit of coverage from the event from the many game news sites located in Japan. Hit the post break for the images to »
Stern’s Rolling Stones Pinball now available
Stern’s latest pinball table, The Rolling Stones is now available for purchase. We’ve covered this previously and so if you’ve been waiting to get your hands on it then it might show up at a venue near you soon, if they carry the latest pinball games. You can read more about the release here »
New arcade opening in Las Vegas this April – Insert Coin(s)
(Thanks to Chris LaPorte for the info) If you live in or near Las Vegas then this April you have a new arcade to look forward to visiting. Known as Insert Coin(s), this statement from their website sums up their business the best: A one of a kind experience, INSERT COIN(S) will electrify all »
Pump It Up Fiesta EX 2011 now available
Andamiro USA announced today that the latest software version of their Pump It Up series, Pump It Up Fiesta EX 2011 is now available for operators to purchase. It’s a software upgrade that can be installed on a number of Anadmiro’s PIU models. According to the press release sent out by Andamiro today: FIESTA »
Profits up at Sega Sammy and Namco Bandai
Newsfeed 998 via About every quarter we get a look at how some companies who are in the arcade business did financially, particularly those based in Japan. These reports don’t really show us how business fared outside of Japan but they are still fun to look at. We’ve got two reports out, one for »
Rolling Stones Pinball in action
BMI Gaming has posted a 4 minute video of Stern’s latest pin, The Rolling Stone to their Youtube channel, along with some comments on how the game plays. One comment made on the videos by BMI sums up how it plays pretty well: …based on Stern’s “less than compelling” designs of late, we were »
AOU 2011 special sites starting to pop up
Every year, we start out with a few months of arcade shows to look forward to as companies give us a look at what games they have to offer at the beginning of the year. We’ve got shows like EAG in the UK every January, AOU in Japan every February and in March there »
The 2011 Reflec Beat Taiwan Grand Prix taking place Feb. 12th
(Thanks for the info Rico) Konami’s latest concept in rhythm gaming, Reflec Beat, has landed in Taiwan and Konami Asia along with the Saint-Fun Corporation are already preparing to hold a tournament for the new game called the “2011 REFLEC BEAT Taiwan Grand Prix”. Here’s the rundown of the upcoming event so far: “2011 »
Watch some arcades and pins get thrown off a building
I couldn’t pass up the latest controversy to be found in arcade collecting circles, this just posted video of some 2 year old footage of a company known as TNT Amusements throwing some select games off of a building. If you want to pour over some of the controversy yourself, you can check out »
Namco releases promo iPad/iPhone app for Pac-Man Battle Royale
(Picture of the development version) Here’s a fantastic new idea for marketing a coin-op game, by using an app for a popular portable device to draw attention to a particular game. Namco America has done just that for Pac-Man Battle Royale with the release of their new iPad and iPhone applications. The iPad demo »
EAG 2011 Pictures from The Stinger Report
It’s become tradition for us to share with you pictures of a trade show event provided to us by The Stinger Report and with this week’s EAG 2011, we’re happy to continue with that trend. If you haven’t already, make sure you read our full report by Nick Thorpe (Heavy Electricity) where you can »
EAG 2011 – Full report
The January trade show season is always exciting, isn’t it? New games, lots of people, general excitement. For a few days, a part of London is all about the amusement trade. This year, however, was particularly exciting for me. Not just because of the games I was looking forward to, but in part due »