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Some game records set at ATEI 2009

February 4, 2009, 5 Comments on Some game records set at ATEI 2009

There was more to ATEI 2009 than just showing off some games – there were some gaming records to be set as well! The Guiness World Records Team was at the show and caught two records, one for the fastest completion time on Sega Rally 3’s championship mode, set by Matthew Page (it was »

ATEI 2009 – Full Report

January 30, 2009, 16 Comments on ATEI 2009 – Full Report

Following TwistedSupreme’s initial report yesterday, I got my chance to attend ATEI today. And, armed with a camera, a keen eye for games and a beard that makes small children cry, I decided to capture as much of the show as was practical in order to relay it to loyal readers such as yourself. »

ATEI 2009 Initial Round Up

January 27, 2009, 10 Comments on ATEI 2009 Initial Round Up

Now I know round ups are usually reserved for after the  shows, but I only have time to do a quick little in depth round up this evening. All my videos and photos plus further impressions will be coming at the weekend when I have the chance to put it all together. Also Heavy Electricity will be »

Sega releases R-Tuned: Ultimate Street Racing in the US

January 27, 2009, 8 Comments on Sega releases R-Tuned: Ultimate Street Racing in the US

Sega’s new drift racing game is now available for purchase in the US, according to several different distributor websites. I know that several readers here have been anticipating this one but in case you have missed out on info concerning Sega’s latest racer, you can click here for the post where we found out »

Upcoming Annual "Classic Arcade Tournament" to include classic game champions, King of Kong co-stars

January 22, 2009, No Comments on Upcoming Annual "Classic Arcade Tournament" to include classic game champions, King of Kong co-stars

Details have been released on the upcoming Classic Arcade Gaming (dot com) Tournament, which is held on an annual basis and it sounds like it is going to be quite the competition for skilled classic game players who can make the trip. In fact, a number of arcade world record holders are going to »

New screens of Justice League: Heroes United (Updated with pricing info)

New screens of Justice League: Heroes United (Updated with pricing info)

January 21, 2009, 1 Comment on New screens of Justice League: Heroes United (Updated with pricing info)

We have received a couple of new screenshots of GlobalVR’s new Justice League: Heroes United arcade brawler title, which you can see in full view by clicking on the thumbnails below. In addition to those we have a little info on the location testing of the game. So far the verdict on the game »

Sega's ATEI game roster

January 20, 2009, 3 Comments on Sega's ATEI game roster

Sega has sent out a press release detailing their ATEI 09 line-up and in addition to a few games we already have seen info on previously such as HUMMER, Harley Davidson, R-Tuned Racing, Rambo, Sega Rally 3 and Block People, they also will be showing off a new game called  “Missfits”. While there is »

DDR:X making an appearance at ATEI 09

January 17, 2009, 1 Comment on DDR:X making an appearance at ATEI 09

The ATEI 09 news continues to trickle in, now with news on Konami’s DDR:X machine. According to the press release, the game is slated for a world-wide release in “Spring/Summer 2009” and include the largest track list for a DDR game ever with 350 songs. It also has been testing very well, despite having »

Justice League to be unveiled at ATEI 09

January 17, 2009, 4 Comments on Justice League to be unveiled at ATEI 09

Global VR has announced that they will be showcasing their latest title, Justice League: Heroes United at the upcoming ATEI 2009 show. With the press release they also have included some pictures of the cabinet, which comes in two flavors, standard and deluxe but pricing and availability are currently unavailable but should be revealed »

New products from Betson includes Big Buck Safari Deluxe

New products from Betson includes Big Buck Safari Deluxe

January 14, 2009, No Comments on New products from Betson includes Big Buck Safari Deluxe

Betson Enterprises has sent us along some information on some new products they are now carrying and from the three games listed, they include Big Buck Safari Deluxe, which we saw as early as ASI last March and again at AMOA but it had been delayed several times until now. Now that BBSDlx is finally »

Stop Fighter 2

January 10, 2009, No Comments on Stop Fighter 2

Stop motion animation is a real pain in the butt to pull off. I guess that is why so many of these kind of films are done with simple things like Legos. The following video doesn’t use legos fortunately, eschewing that for SF2 toys. It’s a first effort thing it seems so don’t expect »

NX Absolute Released in the US

NX Absolute Released in the US

December 30, 2008, 1 Comment on NX Absolute Released in the US

In what is probably going to be the last arcade release of 2008 or the first of 2009 depending on how you look at it, one US distributor site is listing the latest installment of Andamiro’s Pump-It-Up series, NX Absolute as available for sale. We saw NX Absolute at IAAPA (as pictured above), so »