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News on Tekken 6 – looks like arcade version is superior

October 9, 2008, 8 Comments on News on Tekken 6 – looks like arcade version is superior

The Tokyo Game Show is in full swing right now and there is some arcade-related news to come out of it. Direct from the Stinger Report comes some interesting news about Namco’s Tekken 6 – a delay in the console release along with the consoles being inferior to the arcade version is certainly something »

The Guardian goes to Akihabara

October 7, 2008, No Comments on The Guardian goes to Akihabara

It’s almost time for the Tokyo Games Show, which means that practically everyone that covers the gaming world is set to flock to Japan in search of the latest cool things. UK newspaper The Guardian is amongst the masses represented at the event, in the form of one Aleks Krotoski – British readers may remember her »

Mario Just Wants an Arcade

September 29, 2008, 1 Comment on Mario Just Wants an Arcade

Thanks to Pushing Play for sending us this video, it’s Mario’s (aka Mike Long) protest about the Funland Arcade in Toronto closing down. With all the frustration I’ve heard about this Funland closing, I have to imagine that someone up in Toronto has the guff and the funds to open a new arcade there, »

Stinger Report Article: Very Large Arcade Show Shakes Consoles Confidence

September 23, 2008, 1 Comment on Stinger Report Article: Very Large Arcade Show Shakes Consoles Confidence

Here is a new article from our friend Kevin Williams at The Stinger Report, this time discussing the impact of the 46th AM show in Japan and the subsequent flurry of interest that has sprouted up over arcades because of it.I have seen a lot of news floating around discussing the AM Show, even »

Arcade Hunters check out Tokyo Game Action

September 18, 2008, No Comments on Arcade Hunters check out Tokyo Game Action

The guys from have made many arcade-related videos over the past little while and I realyl like their latest idea – “Arcade Hunters” where they go around and tour arcades. It’s a great way to help some arcades get attention and in the first episode they visit an arcade that we have discussed »

The AM show (JAMMA) Mega Preview Post : Elevator Action, Razing Storm, KOFXII, Harley Davidson, CastleVania & more

September 18, 2008, 2 Comments on The AM show (JAMMA) Mega Preview Post : Elevator Action, Razing Storm, KOFXII, Harley Davidson, CastleVania & more

There is another arcade event about to take place next week and this time it’s in Japan. Known as the AM Show, also called the JAMMA show, it brings with it a lot of information on games we’ve been hearing about for a while along with new games. It should be interesting to see »

Sega @ AMOA 2008 – Rambo, Sega Rally 3 & Clay Challenge

September 12, 2008, 5 Comments on Sega @ AMOA 2008 – Rambo, Sega Rally 3 & Clay Challenge

I was happy to see that Sega had a stonger presence at AMOA than they did at ASI and it was great to finally get a chance to play games like Rambo and Sega Rally 3. I spoke with one representative at their booth who gave me a run-down on the prices as well »

Sega's plans for upcoming shows

September 9, 2008, 12 Comments on Sega's plans for upcoming shows

Sega has issued a press release detailing some of the things that we can expect to see at their upcoming events, including a few games we have already heard of (or played), Rambo and Sega Rally 3. Rambo has actually got a face lift and according to the photo we received (which is still »

Namco shows off a new motorcycle game – Nirin

September 8, 2008, 1 Comment on Namco shows off a new motorcycle game – Nirin

Well over a year ago we revealed that Namco was working on a new motorcycle racing game that looked to be targetted towards Western audiences but was being tested in Japan. Time passed and it looked like the game didn’t do too well and was scrapped but the idea wasn’t thrown away, as Namco »

BOUND – a co-op touchscreen arcade game

September 6, 2008, No Comments on BOUND – a co-op touchscreen arcade game

Here is another testament to innovative ideas that can be done better in an arcade format, a game designed by two students for a university project somewhere in Germany I believe (the PC I’m on at the moment is at my arcade so it’s hard to hear the sound on this). The idea has »

Golden Tee Championship at AMOA

September 5, 2008, 3 Comments on Golden Tee Championship at AMOA

I have to hand it to Incredible Technologies, while I’ve heard that not everyone is excited about AMOA next week, they certainly are and they are looking to give attendees a reason to be excited. From a press release they issued the other day comes news that to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Golden »

Need For Speed Underground "as an arcade game" at PAX08, media surprised

September 4, 2008, 9 Comments on Need For Speed Underground "as an arcade game" at PAX08, media surprised

[Image via Ars Technica] If anyone wonders why I often harp on arcade developers for not properly marketing their games then here is a shining example. From the blog Ars Technica comes the headline “Need For Speed as an arcade game at PAX08”. At first I’m thinking ‘GlobalVR must have got into a console »