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Game On!
Tommorrow is a truly magical day. Tommorrow I’m going to the GAME ON exhibition at the London Science Museum. About the exhibition From the PDP-1 of the 1960s to the latest must-have consoles Game On examines the technologies that have revolutionised the gaming world. The exhibition features the ten most influential consoles of all »
Sega ATEI Line Up 2007
With the ATEI at Earls Court fastly approaching I thought I scourer the web for any press releases. First up we have Sega Amusements Europe’s press release, look out for more soon. Sega Amusements Europe Ltd. will be taking the largest stand space ever seen outside of Japan for the company at the forth coming »
It’s a Boo Bash!
Spotted a mysterious new game from Sega on test in Japan. The Google Translation of the page the information comes from is as follows (Be warned, the English is not great): “It seems that is done from yesterday. As for frame, ‘ with touch ズノー! ‘ With same ones were used. They are game »
Outrun 2 Super Deluxe
Could this quite possibly be the the best looking arcade cabinet you’ve seen in your life. This is OutRun 2 Super Deluxe edition. I think Sega actually stole a bunch of Ferrari’s and put the back ends on the latest edition of their Outrun series. Yes that’s right, another Outrun and they have pulled out »
Finally A New Bike Game! Super Bikes
After many years with only elderly Manx TT machines to keep us happy Raw Thrills deliver!The Fast and the Furious: Super Bikes is the latest game from Raw Thrills and it is the second game inspired by the hit movie franchise. This time the action is not confined to the United States, breathtaking locales »
Let’s Go Jungle
Sega readies another sit down shooter – Let’s Go Jungle. First seen at the London Preview show, this is shaping up to be a great game and a potential classic. If anyone sees one out on test let us know! Read more about it at (archived Japanese Site)   »