Bandai Namco’s NYCC Unveiling Event – Star Wars Arcade Liveblog

arcadehero October 8, 2014 8

Putting this at the top: The cabinet for the Star Wars: Battle Pod arcade game. Also, check out our recent interview with the lead producer for this game in case you are curious for more:


UPDATE: The official trailer is now online:

Exclusive screenshots and some new additional information can be found on this post!


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Today at the New York Comic Con, Bandai Namco Amusements will hold a special announcement event that we had discussed previously, starting at 2PM EST. There were rumors and rumblings that something big was coming along this year, which had me guessing – some hints had me thinking it was Time Crisis 5(which is also in the works but was not the big project I was thinking of). In that same post where I speculated about what was going on at Namco, I stated : “It’s too early for something big like a Star Wars game, although I hope that someone has the sense to have a new arcade Star Wars game out in time for Star Wars 7.” Well as it turns out, I was partially wrong about that so here’s the gif of a stormtrooper hitting his head into the door:


As unveiled a short time ago, the big game is Star Wars. Check back with this post for updates throughout the day as I receive them. Newest updates will be posted at the beginning. I was invited to the event in NYC but I could not make the trip. However, I will be at IAAPA 2014, where the game is expected to be the primary focus of Bandai Namco’s booth this year so I can share some hands-on impressions about it and more.

In the mean time, check out the history of Star Wars at the Arcade if you haven’t already.

Updates to be found below, with the most recent posted higher. It looks like everything the event had to offer has been shared, so here is everything we know so far about this new Star Wars game:

#28: The Star Wars Battle Pod as seen at Dave & Busters tonight



  #26: If you are near the Midtown Dave & Busters tonight, you can begin playing the game at 5PM EST. It will be located there until 11/2/14. I imagine other D&B locations might get their hands on it for testing, similar to other recent Bandai Namco arcade games like Mario Kart Arcade GP DX and Mach Storm. #25: Looks like Bandai Namco Amusements will be running prize tournaments of some kind along with promotion for the game. They have a prize division which stocks product for prize merchandizers like BarberCut so this only makes sense:




Plus the trailer that was shown at the event (this offscreen footage posted by The Wookie Gunner)

#22: More gameplay impressions. It sounds like it follows Mach Storms formula closely, in that its pretty much on rails, with a little bit of movement freedom within that rail space:


#20: Notice the Prequels are no where to be found, lol



#17: The *only* thing I can see as a downside so far is that this will cost the same or more as Mach Storm ($30k)

#16: Dave & Busters will have the game on test:


  #14: Various ships and locations can be selected:

#13: From the trailer, you can see a screen of the game above. Graphics look really good:

    #12: Polygon Article about it. Obviously they have not heard of all of the other arcade games that have come out over the past several years, much less this year.

#11: The Game Cabinet!


#9 – Confirmation again that this uses the dome screen as used with Mach Storm. Wonder if they will mention Mach Storm or Lost Land Adventure at all. In case you aren’t familiar with Mach Storm:       #8

#7: The official name of the game is Star Wars: Battle Pod   #6 –

#5: – These certainly look like Dome Screen cabinets (like Mach Storm)

#4: swpress1 #3:

#2: The Star Wars Cantina Band music is playing at the press event

#1: From the area before it opens



  1. Arcades4ever October 8, 2014 at 12:29 pm - Reply

    Ok now what Star Wars fan wouldn’t resist this? I enjoyed mach storm but it was too easy and acted like an on rails shoot in the sky rather than having total control of the game. I wonder if it will have different level of play and also is it multiplayer?

    • arcadehero October 8, 2014 at 12:51 pm - Reply

      Given how popular Star Wars is and you have Episode VII coming, this is going to be big. I think that is why they did this. It is nice though, it finally helps these gamer press guys see a new arcade game for a change, which they ignore 99% of the time.

      • Arcades4ever October 9, 2014 at 1:08 am - Reply

        If you ask me I think maybe that mach storm was more of a trial to see how well the game was to warrant a Star Wars game but also make it easy and acessable to any level of gamer, plus I think if Star Wars is a little more advance then there is the alternative of playing mach storm just so they can experience the interactivity of playing the game with its dome screen.

  2. voltz15 October 8, 2014 at 3:08 pm - Reply

    I thought the presentation was amazing and the game itself looks like a dream come true as we get to finally pilot the ships again. I’m just hoping these setups don’t ask $3-5 per play as they’ll force you to break the bank the second the game asks you to continue.

  3. Blake October 8, 2014 at 8:03 pm - Reply

    Since this seems to be running on exactly the same cabinet and hardware as Mach Storm, I REALLY hope Bamco offers this as an upgrade kit for the existing Mach Storms out there.
    I think the Star Wars branding (especially with Episode VII coming next year) would do a lot to increase the revenue of the Mach Storm in my arcade at work. Question is, would they end up charging ~$10,000 for said upgrade? Given some of Bamco’s pricing lately, I wouldn’t be surprised.

    • voltz15 October 9, 2014 at 2:59 am - Reply

      Given the price of cabinets these days, you should be expecting to pay a premium for everything.

      Just hope said premiums don’t pass onto the consumers bad enough as to scare them away.

  4. jim October 9, 2014 at 10:40 am - Reply

    oh, this is the battlefront 3 campaign launch. can’t wait.

  5. kevin williams October 10, 2014 at 6:34 am - Reply

    Oh this is classic – love how some of the popular video games sites are arguing internally about whether to cover this launch – some editors having publicly stated that arcade is dead are worried they will look stupid to go back on this to announce the new game – oh the hubris.

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