While the popular Square Enix RPG series Dragon Quest has been known primarily as a console game, that hasn’t stopped the company from taking the series into the amusement realm. One of the first posts on Arcade Heroes, way back in 2006, discussed the revelation of a new Dragon Quest Arcade game which was released the following year and now a theme park in Japan called Tokyo Dome City has made the Dragon Quest series the main attraction there. In a country where a low birthrate makes life difficult for a business that thrives off of younger customers, they see the Dragon Quest series as a way to break through that problem as adults enjoy the series just as much as kids. The recognizable character Slime greets customers as they arrive at the park and inside he’s been turned into a number of different food items. Other characters and items from the series have been turned into merchandise which is being sold at the park and they’ve converted their rides to fit into Dragon Quest themes (which from the video just appears to be adding graphics of Slime to the sides of the rides). Even a water fountain at the park gushes to the rhythm of popular Dragon Quest songs, which is a nice little touch.
Here is a video giving a rundown of the park
Source: ChannelnewsAsia