Disney’s ElecTRONica opens

arcadehero October 11, 2010 1

The release of TRON Legacy is only two months away and part of Disney’s celebration around the film continues to build, they have opened up a new feature at the Disney California Adventure theme park, one that is related to both TRON and arcades called ElecTRONica (covered earlier on AH here). This means that you can visit a recreation of Flynn’s Arcade, although it looks less like what we saw in the original film and follows what they did at the past couple of Comic-Cons. Fortunately, David Danzara was there with a video camera so those of us who probably won’t get a chance to visit ElecTRONica can see what  it is like. If you want to skip the part with the dancers and see Flynn’s, skip ahead to about 4:30. They have some awesome effects that are projected onto the buildings at night, a nightclub that plays Pac-Man techno music and more. It’s quite impressive and as a long-time fan of TRON it’s good to see them pulling out all the stops for the new movie although I could still go for a wide release of an arcade version of Space Paranoids with fancier graphics than the browser game they did not long ago.

While ElecTRONica was only supposed to be open on weekends until the end of the year, the latest word is that they will keep it open until April 2011. I can imagine however that if this and the movie are big hits, then it could stay open longer.

One Comment »

  1. bacon October 13, 2010 at 2:13 am - Reply

    after watching that video… this looks pretty wack haha

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