Darius Burst Another Chronicle English Version First Look + More From Electrocoin UK Show

arcadehero June 10, 2011 5

Newsfeed 1052 via The Stinger Report

Some months ago we revealed that Taito’s 4-player arcade exclusive shmup Darius Burst Another Chronicle game would in fact be making it outside of Japan with a special English version of the game and now thanks to The Stinger Report we have the visual proof as the game was shown off this week at the Electrocoin Park Avenue Open Day event in the United Kingdom. DBAC wasn’t the only game on-hand though – Taito is also bringing Sonic Blast Heroes internationally, giving us two unique games that are very much arcade exclusive. As you can see in the pics beyond the break, Taito has changed the DBAC cabinet from the Japanese version to make it more of an open game, which should help other players jump onto the game. The game will be testing soon at the Trocadero in London after this event. Still, many players asked Taito for this game which drove them to do this, so let’s not let them down and support something that stands out for arcades.

Many more exclusive DBAC photos and more including the English version of Sonic Blast Heroes (!) can be found by clicking below…

First let’s get the DBAC humping out of the way with these. I’m glad they kept the headphone jacks on the panel.

Thumbs (click to blow ’em up)

Sonic Blast Heroes – The latest edition of Taito’s quirky punching video game is seen here outside of Japan for the first time. This one is a surprise to me as even though Taito did have a couple of Sonic Blast Man out in Western arcades back in the 90’s. Given the strong popularity of Boxer games in bars and arcades these days, I think that this will be a good fit.

From the looks of it, the event was really a Taito show more than anything else. Here is Taito/GlobalVR’s Frightfearland which we first saw at Amusement Expo ’11

Taito’s Panic Museum (prequel to FrightFearLand) was there as was Hopping Road

Well it wasn’t all Taito products on hand. Here is Fruit Ninja FX by Adrenaline Amsuements

Konami’s Dance Dance Revolution X2 cozying up to Sonic Blast Heroes

Konami’s GTI Club and StarBall. They never seem happy with racing cabinet designs in Europe as at every show it seems like they have a different one for the same game.

Namco’s Dead Heat looking sharp in the dark

Sega’s only game that was there was Super Monkey Ball Ticket Blitz


  1. Arcades4ever June 10, 2011 at 4:49 pm - Reply

    I’m so pleased that DBAC is coming over to the west as I weren’t confident it wouldn’t make it but I’m glad it is though and I’m really hopping it performs well at trocadero. It will be really nice seeing a game thats not a usual driving or shooting game and best of all its multiplayer which I would think would be a plus. I’m really impressed with taito bringing alot od their games over to the west as most arcade companies in japan don’t bother like capcom and even sega and namco.

  2. Pete June 12, 2011 at 9:40 am - Reply

    Have you any idea how long DB:AC is going to be on test at the Troc for?

    I’m off to London in a months time (July 10th) and always give the Trocadero a visit to play Street Fighter 4 and Afterburner Climax. Having Darius Burst there too would really make the trip for me and one of my mates who despite not being that arcade savvy is a fan of Gradius, so thats 2 guaranteed credits for them 🙂

    • arcadehero June 13, 2011 at 6:07 am - Reply

      I’m not sure. Usually tests last 4-6 weeks. But sometimes they also last just a few days. I doubt this will be a short test since they went to all the trouble to ship it overseas. But who knows, hopefully it’s still there when you drop in!

  3. onmode-ky July 1, 2011 at 9:32 am - Reply

    Is the removal of the awning the only change? Subwoofer seat still there, the boss warning lights? Not really sure from the pictures if that’s just a decal now.

    I got my copy of the game’s soundtrack CD just yesterday.

    • arcadehero July 1, 2011 at 11:50 am - Reply

      Yes it’s just the canopy missing. Otherwise everything else is there along with the headphone jacks. The Chronicle mode works almost the same, the operator has to input a code for extra unlocks that in Japan are done online. And of course it’s been translated to English. 🙂

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