Well today gets to be a Happy St. Patrick’s Day Newsbytes – although I couldn’t really find anything arcade & Irish related together (unless you want to count old games)… and green cabinets are not terribly common. Although at my arcad eI do have Galaga Assault and Allied Tank Attack which would fit that bill.
Anyways, onto the news, first with a quick focus on events going on this weekend:
Televideogames 3 (Charleroi, Belgium; thanks to Kieran May for the tip on this one)
I’ve been asked by a few people if I would be going to some of these particular shows – unfortunately there are just too many of these kinds of events that go on out there every year to attend all of them. As it happens, most of my travel funds focus on the trade shows like Amusement Expo or IAAPA. That said, I have committed to going to California Extreme for the first time this year. So that’s one…at least.
Alice Cooper’s Nightmare Castle Pinball Gameplay – In mentioning the Texas Pinball Festival, there is already footage of Spooky Pinball’s latest game to be found. It’s 9:16 since it was filmed on a phone but that’s better than nothing:
And here’s a shot of the playfield, from a deep angle:
Sega World Drivers Championship Released – Sega’s latest driving game is now available in Japan. This spiritual successor to Scud Race (at least in terms of the Super GT license) has a sleek cabinet and appears to fill in a simulator niche that other drivers on the market don’t fit at the moment. That said, we’ve heard nothing about it coming out West. Which makes this non-gameplay English trailer posted to Sega Japan’s YouTube just a wee bit suspicious…
Forget Flynn Lives… Zoltar does! – I came across Characters Unlimited’s booth at Amusement Expo and just had to film their latest offerings to the market for everyone to see. They do have more than Zoltar but of course that’s the game that every one first thinks of when they hear about fortune telling machines:
Exa-Arcadia Updates – I have wanted to do this as it’s own post but info was too sparse at the moment to go that far so we’ll talk about it here. While no official launch dates have been announced, the company has continued building up the games roster. Another title coming to the platform – Heiankyo Alien 3671 has been tested in Japan. This will be an arcade port of the game that was released on PC via Steam last year, supporting 4 players locally along with some other arcade-specific features such as an exclusive mode and game item. Here’s a trailer of the PC game in case you missed it; here’s a link to details on the old arcade version in case you are not familiar with the history on this one.
Also it is worth noting that Aka & Blue Type-R will get a “Hyper Limited Edition” for arcades. Not sure what that means yet but it sounds cool!
Arcade Gaming In Blackpool, UK – If you are looking for a fresh update on the state of arcades over in the UK, check out this blog post by Ted H. in regards to his visits to venues in the city of Blackpool. There are still some incredible games to be found out there on location, even the likes of a Namco Ridge Racer Full Scale!
Wreck-It Ralph 2 Trailer – In case you missed it. While the arcade won’t be playing as big a role as it did in the first film, they still will be there to some degree:
On The GridSnaps Podcast – Tooting my own horn here, in case you like podcasts and talk about arcades. I joined with game designer Rob Howard of FoxNext to discuss the current state of the industry and later on arcade game design.
New Designs Available On The Arcade Heroes TeePublic Store – I hadn’t updated this one in a while but had a few ideas to cook up this past week. They don’t just sell them as T-Shirts – phone cases, bags, mugs, notepads, tapestries, etc. 😛
That’s all I could find for this time. Have an awesome weekend everyone!
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Not sure about SWDC being a “spiritual successor” to Scud Race /Super GT. SWDC seems more about simulation racing whilst Scud Race/Super GT was all about fantasy physics and hyper- acceleration on a big drift.
I mainly say that due to Sega continually stating “Super GT” on the game while Japanese media also bringing up Scud Race when discussing the game. They certainly are different in feel though