Sega Releases 1st Screenshots of Mission: Impossible Arcade With EAG 2020 Line-up

arcadehero January 8, 2020 0
Sega Releases 1st Screenshots of Mission: Impossible Arcade With EAG 2020 Line-up

If you’ve been eagerly waiting to see what Sega’s next light-gun shooter looks like, then it’s required some patience. That’s because video of the game as setup at IAAPA 2019 was forbidden. I’m guessing that won’t be the case for attendees of the upcoming EAG 2020 event, as Sega Amusements has announced their line-up and revealed a number of new media pieces for their Mission: Impossible Arcade in the process.

First, let’s check out this new cabinet shot. It hasn’t changed drastically from the first time we saw it, but there are more lights:

Mission: Impossible Arcade cabinet by Sega, Jan 2020Now for the screenshots. There are three direct in-game shots and a couple of “bullshots”. If it looks like a much sleeker version of Operation GHOST, that’s because it is being produced/directed by the same person, Oga-Shi, who has many Sega shooters to his name as we’ve mentioned in the past (including the Target Bravo version of it). Click on any image below to embiggen them:

First one shows a train sequence, which I did not play at IAAPA. Keep in mind that this was designed as a competitive shooter, where your team is “racing” to beat the other by taking out opponents faster and completing tasks first:

Mission: Impossible Arcade screenshotHere is a sequence that I did play, where you have to go mano-a-mano with some robots and take out sentry turrets (then hack a door, as I recall). Sequences these are often accomplished by well-timed button presses (on the dashboard), but once in a while they use the guns:

Mission: Impossible Arcade screenshot

Then here’s the end of one of the missions, not long after the hallway sequence where you have to find a red security card on a desk:

Mission: Impossible Arcade screenshot

Now for a couple of the “bullshots”

Mission: Impossible Arcade screenshot

Mission: Impossible Arcade screenshot

I will post other news about Sega’s EAG line-up later today, but this will join said line-up at EAG 2020 next week (14th-16th) so those of you in Europe who missed IAAPA 2019 will get a chance to play it; the final model should be shipping in March/April.

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