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Discussion: What Will Bandai Namco Announce At The New York Comic Con?

Discussion: What Will Bandai Namco Announce At The New York Comic Con?

September 18, 2014, 9 Comments on Discussion: What Will Bandai Namco Announce At The New York Comic Con?

With slow news this week I am going to do something a little different here. This post is for laying out some information then seeking your opinions on it, along with a little bit of my own conjecture. I do not like to discuss rumors, but often sources out there will provide some credible evidence »

Medieval Madness Remake Gets A Trailer

Medieval Madness Remake Gets A Trailer

September 11, 2014, No Comments on Medieval Madness Remake Gets A Trailer

We’ve known about the Medieval Madness remake for quite some time now. Last big news about it was that Chicago Gaming Company was using Stern’s factory to partially build some of the units. It looks like the remake is just around the corner now as this professionally made trailer for the game shows. In »

Sega Develops A Real Sandcastle Building Arcade Game + Wonderland Wars

Sega Develops A Real Sandcastle Building Arcade Game + Wonderland Wars

September 10, 2014, 1 Comment on Sega Develops A Real Sandcastle Building Arcade Game + Wonderland Wars

As we head into the Fall in the Northern Hemisphere, new game concepts and ideas begin to make their way tot he newswires. Sega announced a few new concepts for the Japanese market today where we will focus on a couple of them. First off, the most surprising one. Translating through the online translator »

New Trailer For Golden Tee 2015 Live

New Trailer For Golden Tee 2015 Live

September 8, 2014, No Comments on New Trailer For Golden Tee 2015 Live

With the latest and greatest version of Golden Tee upon us, Incredible Technologies has released this trailer to show off what it is that customers will get with the upgrade. The addition of five courses brings this up to a total of 50 courses; as this trailer shows there is a “King of the »

Labor Day Weekend News – Pinball, Las Vegas Arcade, Big Buck HD, Sonic Rise Of The Hedgehog

Labor Day Weekend News – Pinball, Las Vegas Arcade, Big Buck HD, Sonic Rise Of The Hedgehog

August 30, 2014, No Comments on Labor Day Weekend News – Pinball, Las Vegas Arcade, Big Buck HD, Sonic Rise Of The Hedgehog

It’s Labor Day weekend in the USA and I don’t have a bunch of time to spend on this multi-news post so it will be “short.” For anyone taking the weekend off, have a safe Labor Day trip! If you come across any arcades out there, give them some play! Pinball – To any »

Newsbytes: ImmersiON-VRelia, GameOn Berlin, Pinball

Newsbytes: ImmersiON-VRelia, GameOn Berlin, Pinball

August 16, 2014, 2 Comments on Newsbytes: ImmersiON-VRelia, GameOn Berlin, Pinball

Happy weekend everyone, here is some news for you to use: ImmersiON VRelia – Since Oculus Rift came onto the scene and re-ignited interest in Virtual Reality, we have seen demos and heard talk of the technology getting some real use in the arcade/amusement/attraction/out-of-home entertainment industry. So far there have been tests and experiments, »

Adrenaline Amusement’s Flappy Tickets Brings Flappy Gaming To Arcades

Adrenaline Amusement’s Flappy Tickets Brings Flappy Gaming To Arcades

August 5, 2014, 5 Comments on Adrenaline Amusement’s Flappy Tickets Brings Flappy Gaming To Arcades

The situation surrounding the mobile app Flappy Bird was an odd one but it did generate a lot of interest in the whole idea, with armies of Flappy-like games flooding mobile devices after the original was pulled temporarily. To me it was very much out of the blue – I hadn’t heard of the “craze” »

The New Courses of Incredible Technologies’ Golden Tee 2015 LIVE

The New Courses of Incredible Technologies’ Golden Tee 2015 LIVE

August 1, 2014, No Comments on The New Courses of Incredible Technologies’ Golden Tee 2015 LIVE

The time is approaching for Incredible Technologies to launch the latest major update to their keystone arcade game, Golden Tee and here are the five new courses that will be added to the game. Golden Tee is quite popular as a home game (not on home consoles – non-coin arcade cabinets that are sold »

New Update For Heighway Pinball’s First Release, Full Throttle Pinball

New Update For Heighway Pinball’s First Release, Full Throttle Pinball

July 30, 2014, No Comments on New Update For Heighway Pinball’s First Release, Full Throttle Pinball

We have been eagerly awaiting news on another pinball manufacturer getting their first product out the doors but it has been a little while since we had heard anything, until now. has an exclusive spread about the current situation at the Heighway Pinball factory, located in Merthyr Tydfil, UK. Delays for this game came »

UNIS Unveils Armed Resistance & Bio Outbreak For Arcades

UNIS Unveils Armed Resistance & Bio Outbreak For Arcades

July 24, 2014, 1 Comment on UNIS Unveils Armed Resistance & Bio Outbreak For Arcades

Sorry about the hiccups on the site today, I am still working on it trying to figure out what is wrong. It isn’t a plug-in gone haywire and not a server issue apparently so still trying to pin the issue down. Got it figured out thanks to hosting support. Anyways, an interesting trailer popped »

New Trailer For Konami’s Silent Scope Bone Eater

New Trailer For Konami’s Silent Scope Bone Eater

July 22, 2014, 2 Comments on New Trailer For Konami’s Silent Scope Bone Eater

Back on Christmas Eve 2013, news came along that Konami was testing out a new arcade sniper game in Japan they were calling GUNDOG. It didn’t take long for this to become known as the revival of the Silent Scope series as they changed the name to (the eyebrow raising) Silent Scope Bone Eater. »

Unkle Munkey’s Coin Club Now Open in Edwardsville, IL

Unkle Munkey’s Coin Club Now Open in Edwardsville, IL

July 21, 2014, No Comments on Unkle Munkey’s Coin Club Now Open in Edwardsville, IL

Illinois continues to be the land of the new arcade location, why that is precisely I am not sure, but it is surprising that so many arcade venues have opened their doors their over the past few years. Some of that might be due to it being the hub of new developments for the »