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Rerave Arcade “Unboxing”
In lieu of my sort-of tradition in “unboxing” new/newer arcade games (Example 1; Example 2; Example 3), a new arcade game has found its way to my arcade this past Wednesday and here’s some pictures of getting it into place. The game has been spoken of on AH before, a rhythm game called ReRave. »
DNA Announces Growth & New Book: The Out Of Home Immersive Entertainment Frontier
The Digital Out Of Home Interactive Entertainment Network Association is on the move again with some news about their growth as a group and plans for launching a new book about the industry this October. First on the growth, they have added fifty “Founding Members” to the organization which includes various big names in »
Newsblend: Sega Arcade For Comic-Con; Aircraft Skin Arcade Cab; Dark Escape 4D Review
The weekend is just about to get started and with that, here are some more links with my comments about some quick arcade-related stories. BTW, I had a great conversation with Brian Colins of Game Refuge this week about some Midway arcade prototypes. The post is inching closer to completion, perhaps it will be »
Sega Releases Transformers Human Alliance Teaser
Not long ago we found out that Sega was testing out a new arcade game called Transformers Human Alliance. It was first being tested out in China but there was very little info about it. We made some guesses based on that little info but today it’s much clearer what the deal is with »
Newsbag: Sega UK’s Virtua Tennis 4 Sale; Ace Attorney Attraction Returns; New Mario Kart GP DX video
Here’s a few news stories about arcades to discuss, which have appeared With British tennis player Andy Murray winning the Wimbeldon tournament and bringing the prize home to England after a 77 year drought, Sega Amusements UK is deciding to celebrate by putting the upright standard model of Virtua Tennis 4 on a massive »
The Brief Life of Arcade First Person Shooting Games
I hope that everyone is having a happy summer if you are in the Northern hemisphere and if in the Southern, an acceptable Winter. Arcade news has been relatively slow for the past little while so I’ve been thinking of cooking up more of these articles about arcades as opposed to just waiting out »
Golden Tee 2014 Shown Off
It’s been said before here on Arcade Heroes, that it’s that time of year again for a look at the newest Golden Tee. We all know it’s coming, it would only be a shocker if for some reason Incredible Technologies decided not to release an annual update. This week IT has been busy releasing »
Newsblend Today: XCOM Arcade Cab; Gauntlet Design; New Videmption; Sonic Storm In Japan
It’s been a busy weekend for me as I’ve been handling 5th anniversary dealings with my arcade, The Game Grid Arcade. According to the conventional wisdom, the business should not even exist, much less be busy enough to stay open and keep adding more games. I like to think that reaching such a milestone »