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Fast and Furious Super Cars by Raw Thrills shipping this week
The latest edition of Raw Thrills’ popular Fast And Furious racing series begins shipping this week and that means soon you might find it at a venue near you. I got some hands-on time with this game when it was shown recently at IAAPA 2010, you can see some of it in action by »
More details on Namco’s Maximum Heat
Newsfeed 967 via We’ve already had some hands-on time with Namco’s latest racer, Dead Heat (see IAAPA coverage or search for Dead Heat here in case you missed it) but we haven’t seen much on the Japanese version of the game until now. Called Maximum Heat, the game itself is essentially the same as »
Capcom producing New Super Mario Bros. Wii medal game
Nintendo used to have a strong presence in arcades and even though it has waned considerably in recent years, occasionally we get some sort of Nintendo related product coming along in the coin-op sector. In this past decade a few games have come along, such as Mario Kart GP1 & 2 that was produced »
Konami fixes DDRX2 timing issues before US release
(Thanks to Phil for the tip!) When we recently saw the brand new Dance Dance revolution X2 machine at Betson’s IAAPA booth in Orlando, I caught a problem with the game on camera where it locked up for a brief moment in the middle of the song – there were also reports of other »
New Dragonball Z arcade game + Chinatown Fair Arcade in the NYT
Newsfeed 963 via We’ve got two different stories to cover here with this Stinger newsfeed, first we’ll start off with a new game that was unveiled in Japan by Namco called Dragonball Zenkai Battle Royale. This is a System 357 title (an enhanced Playstation 3 arcade board; also used by Razing Storm, Tekken 6, »
Some Darius Burst Arcade news
There is an important date coming up for some of us arcade nerds – December 17th. On that day two things are happening: first TRON Legacy will be released to theaters and second, Taito will release Darius Burst Another Chronicle in Japan. That’s only a few weeks away and as such, information on both »
Big Buck World released
We’ve known about it for a few months already but the latest installment to the popular Big Buck Hunter franchise, Big Buck World is now shipping according to BMI Gaming. That means that within the next few weeks, many locations with a BBH: Open Season or Safari will convert over to the new software, »
More content announced for Taito’s NESICAxLIVE arcade; Haunted Museum 2 announced
Since Taito announced their new NESiCAxLIVE system for arcades, we’ve been eagerly waiting to see how it will work out. The release date for the system hasn’t arrived just yet (it’s only a few weeks away) but there are some new content announcements for the platform worth talking about. If these continue and the »
IAAPA 2010: Tecway/Belrare, Golden Dragon
Well after spending most of my day uploading videos, the video part of our IAAPA 2010 coverage is coming to a close for now. But as I mentioned already we still have a few more things to go through as well as expected video from other sources to look forward to, perhaps grabbing a »
IAAPA 2010: Sega
The first batch of IAAPA 2010 videos from one manufacturer that I have been able to upload are from the Sega booth, who had quite a substantial number of new games on hand to show off. Watch the videos below for the details; here is what we have footage of that you can look »
IAAPA 2010: Microsoft Kinect integrated into legal arcade cabinet by Quasimoto Interactive
I have been able to upload my first video taken from IAAPA 2010 and the first thing I’ll share that was a big surprise at the show is Quasimoto Interactive’s Let’s Kinect coin-op cabinet. Quasimoto previously had the Game Gate VU, a coin-op cabinet that allows operators to install a modern game console on-site »
Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 4 coming in 2011 + Dragon Ball Heroes video
Newsfeed 955 via What you see above is the official logo for the next installment of Namco’s technical arcade racing title, Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 4. Unfortunately, the logo and a release date of sometime in 2011 is all we know about the game for the moment, but at least it is official. It »