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Catching up on the past couple of weeks
While I have been away, plenty has been going on in the arcade world and fortunately Kevin Williams of The Stinger Report has kept sending us the newsfeeds with links to related arcade stuff. While we normally take the time to comment on each item individually, covering a couple weeks worth of content in one »
KOF Versus Festival previews King of Fighters XIII
Earlier this month, a large Japanese King of Fighters tournament was held, taking in classics such as KOF2002UM and KOF98. However, the big point of attraction was a special preview tournament for the upcoming King of Fighters XIII! Top players were given the chance to battle it out on the latest entry in SNK’s »
More details unveiled for the R3Play UK gaming expo
News via About a month ago, we discussed a new gaming event that will be coming to Blackpool, UK called R3play. The organization has unveiled further details as to what to expect at the event, which amounts to an overdose of gaming goodness. Do you like consoles? They are promising over 300 of them »
Pac-Man Battle Royale coming to e3?
e3 is one of the largest annual expos to feature the latest in video game developments. They have consistently lacked one side of the game industry however and that is arcade games. I personally believe that if arcade titles were at this particular show it could go a long way towards promoting the entire »
Taito’s limited edition Space Invaders accessory
(Thanks to Aaron Auzins for the tip & press release) UPDATE (Feb 2017): No longer available Taito’s efforts to build their brand continues with their iconic Space Invaders characters and now they are releasing a limited edition silverware accessory produced by French silverware maker Christofle. It may not be an enchanted pendant which wields »
See pinball wizards prove their skills at the upcoming World Pinball Championship
Via The pinball festivals and competitions just keep on coming and this month it’s International Flipper Pinball Association’s turn to host a world-class tournament. They do so every year, with last year’s event taking place in London, UK and this year the championship is headed to Cokato, Minnesota USA. I’ll let some of the »
Initial sales numbers for Terminator Salvation arcade
Guitar Hero Arcade sold 2000 units in 90 days. Big Buck Hunter Open Season sold 3000 units in 90 days. Silver Strike Live sold over 3000 before it was released due to pre-orders. (Before anyone accuses us of favoring one company over another in reporting numbers like this, we can only report what companies »
Konami unveils new Bemani title Reflec Beat
When checking the AM-Net Blog this morning, they had an announcement regarding a new Konami title that we had not heard about previously called Reflec Beat. I thought that it might be another update to Jubeat/uBeat but details on the game were pretty much non-existent on that site. Fortunately, has people checking out »
Taito opens new flagship arcade in Yokohama Japan
Via Taito has a new six story arcade to check out if you happen to be in Yokohama Japan, and they were happy to start it off with a bang. Company executives showed up and made some speeches, they had a celebrity, Maomi Yuuki on hand ; Taito announced a new line of plush »
Namco shows off Gundam Extreme Versus (UPDATED)
(Thanks to ECM for the tip) At AOU 2010 Namco Bandai said that they were working on a new Gundan arcade title, called Gundam Extreme VS. At the time they didn’t reveal many details about the game, although we found out it would use the PS3 powered System 357 hardware. Today Namco held a »
GlobalVR releases NASCAR Team Racing kit, cabinet versions soon to follow
First revealed to us at IAAPA, and later seen at Amusement Expo 2010, GlobalVR has released their latest update to their arcade exclusive NASCAR Racing title called NASCAR Team Racing. If you missed out on the features that this update brings to the table you can check out the post & video from Amusement »
Konami's Road Fighters goes 3D (updated)
Remember Konami’s Road Fighters? Since we first heard about the game last September, there has been little to no information popping up about the game, until today where an anonomyous tipster sent us a photo of the new cabinet as seen on location test in Akihabara, Japan. As you can see from the picture »