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New arcade puzzle game Magical Beat being tested in Japan

New arcade puzzle game Magical Beat being tested in Japan

November 4, 2011, No Comments on New arcade puzzle game Magical Beat being tested in Japan

(Image via AM-Net Blog) Arcade puzzle games don’t come around too often these days although over the past year or so they seem to be popping up with a little more frequency with the likes of Tetris Giant and maybe Bejeweled. This latest title is being tested in Japan and is called Magical Beat »

Location Testing Darius Burst Another Chronicle

Location Testing Darius Burst Another Chronicle

September 26, 2011, 10 Comments on Location Testing Darius Burst Another Chronicle

I have a confession to make. For the past week or so I’ve had Taito’s Darius Burst Another Chronicle sitting at my arcade on location test and I didn’t tell everyone about it. That was to give it the obligatory period to see how it did by itself without hype but now comes the »

From Australia: IKEA tests Manland; Insert Coin(s) retro arcade event a success

September 12, 2011, 1 Comment on From Australia: IKEA tests Manland; Insert Coin(s) retro arcade event a success

Newsfeeds 1110 & 1111 via Let’s start the week off with a couple of news items coming from the land down under, more specifically from the city of Sydney. First is an interesting development coming from the big store chain IKEA. They already have a space for kids to play while parents shop but »

Namco considering location testing Tekken Tag 2 in the US

Namco considering location testing Tekken Tag 2 in the US

August 30, 2011, 11 Comments on Namco considering location testing Tekken Tag 2 in the US

(Thanks to ArcadeBelgium for retweeting this!) In an answer to a question from a fan today, Tekken producer Harada gave us some arcade news to talk about. The latest Tekken coming to market, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 will be released in Japan on the 14th of September but so far, there has been no »

Capcom details changes being made to SSFIV Ver. 2012 as it tests in Japanese arcades

Capcom details changes being made to SSFIV Ver. 2012 as it tests in Japanese arcades

August 23, 2011, 6 Comments on Capcom details changes being made to SSFIV Ver. 2012 as it tests in Japanese arcades

At EVO 2011 big news was made about how Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition would be getting a free update on consoles, as Capcom heard from many people that Arcade Edtion was unbalanced (which was intentional in the first place according to the game’s producer). They were going to fix that and promised »

Konami testing GuitarFreaks & DrumMania XG3 in Japan

Konami testing GuitarFreaks & DrumMania XG3 in Japan

August 4, 2011, 4 Comments on Konami testing GuitarFreaks & DrumMania XG3 in Japan

It’s that time of year again – the time for Konami to test out the latest version of their GuitarFreaks and DrumMania arcade music games. I’m sure it will include a variety of new songs to play and has a “clear and significant change in the game system” although I’m not enough of a »

Namco testing out a new version of Pac-Man Battle Royale

Namco testing out a new version of Pac-Man Battle Royale

July 18, 2011, 5 Comments on Namco testing out a new version of Pac-Man Battle Royale

Everyone’s favorite round yellow character made his return to arcades earlier this year with Pac-Man Battle Royale and while the game has been finding a home in many venues across the US and around the world, Namco isn’t done yet with the game. On the Pac-Man Battle Royale Facebook page, a fan posted a »

Konami now testing Sound Voltex Booth in Japan

Konami now testing Sound Voltex Booth in Japan

July 16, 2011, 3 Comments on Konami now testing Sound Voltex Booth in Japan

If it gets translated into English then it will probably be called Sound Vortex, but for now Voltex seems to be the chosen title. Konami has been on a roll testing out new music game ideas that go beyond familiar faces like Dance Dance Revolution, GuitarFreaks/DrumMania and Beatmania. A couple of years back they »

Japan location tests: DDRX3, Border Break 2.5 + more UPDATED

Japan location tests: DDRX3, Border Break 2.5 + more UPDATED

June 3, 2011, 7 Comments on Japan location tests: DDRX3, Border Break 2.5 + more UPDATED

The next arcade installment of Dance Dance Revolution, X3 is soon going on test in Japan, from June 8th-12th in Akihabara, Tokyo.  Suffice it to say that at this point nothing is known about the new title, whether it will just improve on what DDRX2 offered or if it will shake things up with »

World’s Fastest Drummer seen on location test

May 6, 2011, 1 Comment on World’s Fastest Drummer seen on location test

We’ve been covering the progress of an independently made arcade game called the World’s Fastest Drummer for some time now. Most recently it was seen at the IAAPA 2010 show in Orlando this past November in a cool new cabinet but since then we’ve heard little else. That gets to change today as we »

Sega testing Operation G.H.O.S.T in Japan

Sega testing Operation G.H.O.S.T in Japan

April 27, 2011, 5 Comments on Sega testing Operation G.H.O.S.T in Japan

Is Sega testing out an arcade sequel to their GHOST Squad series in Japan? It’s certainly possible as today they announced a new location test in Japan that starts this Friday (4/29) and goes until next Monday(5/2). The new game is called Operation G.H.O.S.T. and while practically no details have been released on the »

New Super Mario Bros. Wii World Coins on loctest in Japan

New Super Mario Bros. Wii World Coins on loctest in Japan

February 2, 2011, 5 Comments on New Super Mario Bros. Wii World Coins on loctest in Japan

Newsfeed 995 via Back in December of last year, Capcom unveiled that they were working with Nintendo to bring New Super Mario Bros. Wii to Japanese arcades in the form of a medal game (which is essentially redemption for the Japanese market). We only saw a flyer for the game at that time but »