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Golden Tee Live 2008 cabinet and price
BHM Vending has a place for the latest arcade version of Golden Tee up on their site along with an ordering page. The game is going for $4950 with this particular distributor which is a pretty good price for what you are getting. Just to recap some of the features this game has: Play »
Table Top Pac-Man
Now this is the ideal solutions for those of us with limited space for an arcade cabinet in our homes, that’s if you’ve got $1,995 to spend on it. [via Uber Gizmo] Arcade cabinets are famous for taking up more space than they should, and Brookstone aims to solve this problem by making available a »
Otomedius launched in Japan
I almost missed this earlier today. Konami’s latest well-endowed anime girl shooter is now available in Japan, bringing with it side-scrolling shmup action – along with a touch screen. The chances of seeing the game outside of Japan are pretty low but one has to wonder why Konami doesn’t try to test games like »
London Show Scoops Another Award
Big congratulations from Arcade Heroes to everyone involved in the exhibition, I have to agree that it’s a hell of an achievement to beat the likes of the BBC and Microsoft. [via Coin-Op News] Just months after being named the Association of Exhibition Organisers’ ‘Trade Show of the Year’, ATEI, ICE and ICEi have scooped a »
London Preview Flashback – 2004
[Thanks to The Stinger Report and via Insert Credit] This articles makes for good reading, and as far as I’m concerned you can’t beat a look back in to the past, weather it be 4 or 40 years! In this instance we are going back to the 2004 London Preview. Read on……………….. Arcade Gold at »
London Preview 08 Part 3 – Stinger looks at GlobalVR, Taito and IT
For our final piece of coverage on the London 08 preview (again thanks to The Stinger Report for the news and pictures), we look at what GlobalVR, Taito and IT had to show off at the event. GlobalVR – GVR was represented by their European distributor Cosmic Video Amusement. Here was a first look »
Black Spiderman Pinball by Stern
Stern loves creating limited edition pin tables. Their latest: Black Spiderman, which of course coincides with the black Spiderman character from Spiderman 3. The new cabinet includes brand new artwork that fits right along with the theme as well as new chrome body armor featuring an etched spider web design. One distributor has »
The Stinger Report takes a look at Action Detective and EA buying Konami?
[The Stinger Report] In addition to Sega’s titles that The Stinger Report got their hands on they also have reported on a few titles that in the the works by other Japanese arcade developers. One of these games is Konami’s Action Detective, which we reported about in this post. The game is using similar »
The Stinger Report looks at upcoming Sega titles
[The Stinger Report] The latest Stinger Report takes a look at some Sega titles shown off at private shows in September, including Primeval Hunt that we posted about not long ago. The Stinger reveals more about this interesting game that should turn some heads to the arcade scene. Quote: While compiling a coming Chicago »
Impressions on America's Army
I just returned from my local distributor and upon visiting their location I had a chance to give America’s Army a round. Since I am considering picking this game up for my arcade in a couple of weeks, I figured it would be useful to “try before I buy”. Not only that I was »
Stinger Report – Can the Amusements Industry Eliminate the Distributor?
The latest Stinger Report covers a touchy subject in the industry – should the distributor be eliminated? It’s not the first time I’ve heard of this subject being discussed as in the 2005 State of the Industry Report by Play Meter magazine had responses from operators about that very subject. What would the purpose »
Global VR Impresses Distributors at AMOA, one says 'Don't Buy from Namco or Sega'
Looks like GlobalVR has won some converts with it’s latest game NASCAR. So much so that one distributor in California has gone as far as writing a message on that operators should avoid purchasing racing games from Namco and Sega (such as MaxiTune 3 and ID4) and instead spend that money on NASCAR »