Sega »

Sega's Spring Private Show Round Up (with more Rambo than you can shake a stick at)

Shaggy May 16, 2008 7

Well we finally have a real look at Rambo with some direct screenshots, thanks to some coverage from several sources on a Sega Private Show that was held on the 16th of May. It

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Rambo has a flyer (cabinet shot and screenshot included)

Shaggy May 15, 2008 10

(Click on the image above to enlarge it) AM-Net has posted a flyer for Sega’s latest light-gun extravaganza Rambo and it gives us a first look at both the cabinet and the game. The

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Sega's Mushi King makes a Guinness World Record

Shaggy May 15, 2008 0

In some other news for Sega that is a bit mroe positive than the post below, one of their games has been certified with a Guinness world record. The game is primarily seen in

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Seen on eBay – Star Trek Arcade's Bridge Chair

Shaggy April 25, 2008 0

A long time ago on Arcade Heroes we had weekly updates on interesting arcade-related stuff on eBay but we obviously haven’t been keeping up on that very well. But I just had to mention

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Sega's Rambo on location test in Japan

HeavyElectricity April 20, 2008 11

I hadn’t heard anything about this one prior to today, but Kobayan reports that Sega has a new lightgun shooter out on test in Japan at the moment. Rambo is obviously based on the

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Update on Sega Rally Arcade – not cancelled

Shaggy April 10, 2008 3

(Click on the images to enlarge) Despite the closure of the Sega studio in charge of creating racing titles for consoles, this title is still on track and is going through testing. To prove

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Go Go Golf from Sega – junk the Wiimote, play with a real club!

Shaggy April 9, 2008 1

I remember not too long ago when Bill Gates was asked about the motion-sensing controls of the Wii he mentioned that he saw the day when you could do something like pick up a

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Sega Rally Arcade cancelled already? UPDATE: No it is not

Shaggy April 9, 2008 0

Just a little over a month ago we had received a tip that Sega was testing a new racer in a UK arcade that happened to be Sega Rally, a racer that appeared on

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Some news from games in Japan

Shaggy April 3, 2008 0

A bit of Japan news here (which as always we must keep in mind that something here may or may not show up outside of Japan although we always hope that it will), first

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Videos from ASI 2008

Shaggy March 29, 2008 1

In addition to a few pictures I also managed to get some video footage from the ASI 2008 show floor. As mentioned in previous posts I have had some problems with my digital camera

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Missing In Action: Tanks, Planes, Mechs and more

Shaggy March 24, 2008 6

Missing in Action is an editorial series that discusses the kinds of games that at one time were prevalent in arcades or the types of games that would make great arcade games but aren’t

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Sega Amusement USA Management shuffle

Shaggy March 22, 2008 0

Well it seems that things have not been going too well for Sega Amusements USA lately – with rumors of RaceTV being a disappointment, operators not being sure about Primeval Hunt due to the

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