IAAPA 2012 Pictures Batch #3

arcadehero November 17, 2012 1
IAAPA 2012 Pictures Batch #3

With IAAPA 2012 being the huge show that it is, we have more to share about it, here is another picture post to wrap up the show.


Animal Kaiser – I had already posted a picture of Sega’s Hero of Robots and here is Namco’s “kid vending” machine, Animal Kaiser. I wonder who found out first that the other company was going to bring these machines over to have the response ready. On Friday despite it being the wind-down day of the show, I always saw some kids surrounding the Animal Kaiser machines. I’m sure my six year old son would get a kick out of this.

Dark Escape 4D – I missed out on getting video of this game but here is a shot of the excellent design on the back.

Here is the new Lane Splitter Extreme by Adrenaline Amusements, giving the player an opportunity to experience a mobile game as a proper arcade game with the handlebar controls and a big screen.

Adrenaline was right next to Sega’s booth so here is some of their other products. Such as a 32″ version of Operation G.H.O.S.T.

I posted a video of this one already, KO Drive. Again this is incomplete so its hard to say if this version here will reflect the final product or not.

A close-up of the new guns on Sega’s Dream Raiders

Virtual Tennis 4 Deluxe – For some of the complaining I’ve made about graphics on some of the games at the show, here is one that looks great, the Ringedge powered VT4

GRID 42″ – Like GRID but want something as an in-between the standard and 55″ deluxe? Here is a choice.With a price point at where the 32″ was this gives players a more “in-your-face” game and operators a better deal than the standard. GRID always looks phenomenal and even more so with this screen.

Sea Wolf 55 – I will have some video of this up later but it is essentially the same game as the others but now with a deluxe cabinet and the left button on the periscope controller fires a machine gun to take out kamikaze aircraft.

Big Buck HD 80″ Panorama – Thanks to the new cabinet design for Big Buck HD, you can get a Super Deluxe game without paying $18000+ like with previous Super Deluxe installments.

Here was an interesting coin-op video product found at the booth of a company called Memopark. the product itself is called Urban Skater, a balance board skating game. I wasn’t able to try it but it really was designed for kids anyways and not adults. The Simpsons cut-outs have nothing to do with the game, they were just there to advertise the booth for some reason

Kevin Williams led me to this racing motion simulator that was situated well away from the coin-op area by a Russian company called Play Motion. Their motion base was pretty good running a Codemasters game called Dirt 3. Here is a photo of Kevin giving it a spin right after I did. There were quite a few different motion simulators on the floor that it was hard to track all of them. But also there was the original Cruden, which has been at previous IAAPA shows before everyone else, one of their machines pictured below.

I heard a few people talking about this videmption game at the ICE booth, which is one of those Chinese type multiplayer table games where you try and win coins but this will be modified to vend tickets. It is called Harpoon Lagoon.  From what I watched of it, you aim a crossbow with a harpoon and try and harpoon a fish to reel it in. I think that for this kind of game that a roller controller like was used in Major Havoc would work smoother than a joystick but I know the chances of that ever being changed are zero. This handles up to four players and has a 47″ screen. ICE also had another videmption game on site, Doodle Jump which is already available.

LAI had a videmption title that is by a Chinese development outfit called GHOST TOWN. The information I was given is that these are being tested out in certain Dave & Busters to see how they are received. Despite the guns being down low I saw adults giving the game a spin fairly often.

Since we’re on a videmption kick here, photos from UNIS of their Fruit Mania and Pirates Hook machines, both of which I saw being constantly played although I did not get a chance to try them myself. But first, a look at the bike pedaling game Bike Rally, which gets at Final Furlong.

Here is something I got a chance to play, a prototype version of a game that will be available through the XD Dark Ride just called Zombies. While a prototype it seemed complete enough to me and was the best game I have played on this particular unit (another I had played was a Pirates game).


As these become more popular, we find them everywhere.

I want to thank everyone involved in making this show happen, I know that a ton of work went into getting these people, products and booths out and setup at the show, here’s hoping that 2013 will be a good year for the industry. If I have any more IAAPA info to share, I will be sure to do so!

I leave you with some cool robot fish that were at the show


One Comment »

  1. Arcades4ever November 28, 2012 at 10:11 am - Reply

    You know what bugs me is that a game like dream raiders uses a less powerful hardware yet ironically the ring edge is used for a simple game like virtua tennis 4, surely it should be vice versa due to all the landscape and loads of things going off in dream raiders and not for VT when it’s all one setting :-/

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