IAAPA 2014 Videos: Jurassic Park, Star Wars Battle Pod, Showdown, Armed Resistance, Redline Rampage

arcadehero November 25, 2014 0

The blog itself has been quiet for the past few days, although I have been very busy working on videos that I took from IAAPA 2014 (on top of having to work, raise kids, etc.). I nabbed a bit of video at the show and while I could have posted all of it ‘raw’, I feel it is better to edit it into something a little nicer to watch. So here is what I have posted to Youtube so far – there is more to come which I am debating whether or not to condense some of it down (such as all videmption or pinball into one video) or not.

I still have more than this to come so stay tuned 😉

Jurassic Park – This is definitely the most popular of the bunch so far. At the time of this writing it is approaching 17,000 views, to which you all have my thanks! I’m sure it hasn’t hurt with Jurassic World suddenly being in the news with that new teaser trailer and a longer trailer coming on Thanksgiving.

Also, at the request of Jurassicworld.org I posted the raw footage I had from the show up:

Showdown – Here is a breakdown of the two versions of Sega’s new Showdown as seen at the show. I have to admit that on some of these shots I like how my camera handled it 🙂

Star Wars Battle Pod – While we have covered all of the games on this list to some degree, Star Wars Battle Pod got a bit more attention thanks to the press it has received so far. While similar to Mach Storm, if you had to pick between the two games I’d definitely go with this one.

Armed Resistance – Also a breakdown of the two versions of UNIS’s Armed Resistance. I had to convince a couple of people to go try this and they weren’t sure if I was just pulling their legs or not but afterwards they thanked me for pointing it out since they were surprised by how it played.


Redline Rampage: Gas Guzzlers – Like Armed Resistance I was very curious to see this one in action as there was a trailer or two of some semi-direct footage (no HUD) and that was it. This game has been out for a couple of months now but I still had not seen it being played on a cabinet so it was good to give it a spin.

There was something about all of these games I liked and I was looking at them with a critical eye as best I could (e.g. what does this game need to do to convince me to buy it as an operator and what does it need to do for the players to get them to play).

Project HADES – Lastly, I was asked about this so I might as well mention it here. I don’t have video of this one as holding the camera and playing on an interactive motion ride that also uses projected stereoscopic 3D just won’t look very nice. That is the case for any of these rides really. I found out that this is the first game to use stereoscopic 3D on the Unreal Engine 4, which also has to have hardware to handle that at 60FPS and on two different screens.    Fortunately Specular Interactive has updated their website with a fresh new look and with that, new screenshots of their work on Project HADES.

Project HADES screenshot, shown at IAAPA 2014

Which of these new arcade games seen at IAAPA 2014 are your favorites so far?

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