Newsbytes: World Tour Foosball; Ghostbusters Deluxe; RC Squared

arcadehero June 4, 2016 0

June is here and with that school is out and the arcade stays busy. At least in my neck of the woods. We’ve got plenty of video to fill in your weekend:

Unboxing a World Tour Foosball table by Barron Games: It has been a little while since I updated the Arcade Heroes YouTube channel but the other day I had a good reason to do so as we have a new unboxing to watch! This is much different that the other games I’ve unboxed on camera; thanks to the men needing to be installed one-by-one, the whole process took about 4 hours. You will definitely need someone to help when it comes to putting something like this together:

Ghostbusters Deluxe Edition In Action: A while back we had reported that Dave & Busters had a unique version of of the Play Mechanix/ICE videmption game Ghostbusters. Designed with a theater cabinet, we hadn’t heard much about it although this week I was talking with one of the D&B VPs who told me that surprisingly this version of the game did better without the tickets so that is why you’ll come across it playing as a traditional light-gun game at their venues – as well as the footage from the video here (notice it shows points/score instead of tickets won):


This is an earlier test version pictured that did have the ticket dispensing active.

RC Squared Prototype In Action: Further back in time we reported that an unreleased but near complete Game Refuge/EA arcade title had found its way to the Galloping Ghost Arcade in IL by the name of RC Squared.  At the time we only had a picture of the 4p cabinet but now someone has captured some high quality video to show you how this one played:

Custom Mario Bros. Pinball Coffee Table: Don’t worry, the builder didn’t sacrifice a Super Mario Bros. Pinball machine to create this 😉

Sears Cosmic Pinball TV Commercial – Did you know that Sears sold home pinball machines back in the 1970s? Thanks to this commercial, now you know and knowing is half the battle:

How to Fix Those Annoying Konami Hybrid Sound Chips: If you have owned a Konami arcade game from the early 90s like X-Men or Xexex, then you are likely aware of a poor hardware design choice that they made regarding the sound chips. Using surface mounted capacitors, caps fail and leak over time, which means they cause the sound to experience weird issues or go out entirely; replace them and you get sound for a little while again. Where I own both and have had to replace the caps for my X-Men a couple of times, I’d prefer a total chip replacement that lacks capacitors but the cost of figuring that out would probably be pretty high. For those that need a guide, this post on the KLOV forums points to 7 new Youtube videos that explain how to fix these chips.

Flyer of the Week – Ali: A legend in the sport of boxing has passed so it seems fitting to have the Stern Pinball game which was based on him. From 1980, the game didn’t sell very well but it was a licensed game that used Muhammad Ali’s likeness to the fullest extent possible. RIP Mr. Ali (Full flyer can be seen here)

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