Search results for "IAAPA 2012" »

From IAAPA: Jersey Jack Booth, New ReRave Cabinet

From IAAPA: Jersey Jack Booth, New ReRave Cabinet

November 13, 2012, No Comments on From IAAPA: Jersey Jack Booth, New ReRave Cabinet

The IAAPA trade show in Orlando, FL kicks off this morning and with that we will get a lot of information from what is there over the next few days. I will not be there until tomorrow evening unfortunately but there is some information out there for us to enjoy before I get a »

The Arcade Games of EAS 2012 in Berlin Germany

The Arcade Games of EAS 2012 in Berlin Germany

October 11, 2012, 9 Comments on The Arcade Games of EAS 2012 in Berlin Germany

This week has seen a exhibition for arcade games called EAS, which has been held in Berlin Germany. And we have the first look at some of the new games there, thanks to Kevin Williams of The Stinger Report. We can consider this to be a small preview of the IAAPA trade show that »

What is IAAPA?

What is IAAPA?

October 5, 2012, 4 Comments on What is IAAPA?

Thanks to some great coverage Arcade Heroes has received this year, we have a lot of new readers here. If I haven’t welcomed you already, then I offer a welcome now. I hope you have enjoyed our coverage of the arcade industry seeing how sparse it can be out there. From now until November »

Pictures from the AAMA Gala 2012: Cars Arcade, SnoCross, Swarm, X-Men pinball + more

Pictures from the AAMA Gala 2012: Cars Arcade, SnoCross, Swarm, X-Men pinball + more

September 8, 2012, 5 Comments on Pictures from the AAMA Gala 2012: Cars Arcade, SnoCross, Swarm, X-Men pinball + more

We’ve been waiting for a while and finally we have some pictures from the 2012 AAMA Gala that took place about a month ago. Of course in the future the best way to resolve this problem is for one of us AH writers to get out there, which I would like to do. Of »

AAMA Gala 2012 Game Previews From Replay and Play Meter Magazines

AAMA Gala 2012 Game Previews From Replay and Play Meter Magazines

August 31, 2012, 8 Comments on AAMA Gala 2012 Game Previews From Replay and Play Meter Magazines

It’s been a few weeks longer than I had anticipated to get some more information on what new arcade games were shown at the annual AAMA Gala in Chicago but if you subscribe to either Replay or Play Meter Magazines, then they have a run down of what was there. We would have been »

Videos of the games of GAGA2012

Videos of the games of GAGA2012

May 25, 2012, No Comments on Videos of the games of GAGA2012

It’s been difficult to get more information on what was at the recent amusement trade show in China, GAGA2012. But enough time has passed that I’ve been able to scrape up a little more information. First off, Sealy is a company I learned about not too long ago and they had a booth at »

First look from the floor of GAGA 2012

First look from the floor of GAGA 2012

May 18, 2012, 5 Comments on First look from the floor of GAGA 2012

Before you think I’ve gone off my rocker to start talking about musicians that are popular worldwide, this post has nothing to do with Lady Gaga. It just so happens that for whatever reason, they decided to call the latest amusement trade show that has taken place in China GAGA 2012. That has not »

GTI Asia Taipei Expo 2012 Part 2

GTI Asia Taipei Expo 2012 Part 2

May 14, 2012, 2 Comments on GTI Asia Taipei Expo 2012 Part 2

As promised, there was more that went on at the GTI Asia Taipei Expo 2012 then our first post covered, here is more of what was on hand. At IAAPA 2011 in November of last year I got to try out IGS’s 3D racing game Speed Driver 3 for the first time. I walked »

Wrapping up Dubai’s DEAL 2012

Wrapping up Dubai’s DEAL 2012

May 5, 2012, No Comments on Wrapping up Dubai’s DEAL 2012

A couple of weeks ago the annual DEAL (Dubai Entertainment Amusement & Leisure Show)  show took place, where at least one new game was unveiled for the international market, Sega’s new K.O. Drive. We had a post all about that in case you missed it, but what else was there you might be wondering? »

EXCLUSIVE: Sega unveils new arcade racer, K.O. DRIVE at DEAL 2012

EXCLUSIVE: Sega unveils new arcade racer, K.O. DRIVE at DEAL 2012

April 18, 2012, 21 Comments on EXCLUSIVE: Sega unveils new arcade racer, K.O. DRIVE at DEAL 2012

Via Over in Dubai there is a trade show going on at the moment, known as DEAL 2012. We have covered the DEAL show before and previously new content there wasn’t too abundant but Sega has decided to change that up a little by unveiling their latest arcade racer to the market called K.O. »

What’s coming to AOU2012 (Part 1)

What’s coming to AOU2012 (Part 1)

February 1, 2012, 3 Comments on What’s coming to AOU2012 (Part 1)

Newsfeed 1162 & 1163 via If you didn’t get a fill from the EAG show last week then never fear, another arcade trade show is just around the corner, this time in Japan. The Amusement Operators Union or AOU, takes place every February and often has some surprises in store for some of the »

The Arcade Games of EAG 2012 Part 1

The Arcade Games of EAG 2012 Part 1

January 25, 2012, 5 Comments on The Arcade Games of EAG 2012 Part 1

With January upon us, comes another arcade event where new products are shown off in London, UK. This is the first look as provided to us by The Stinger Report – more pictures and videos will be coming soon from our very own Nik Thorpe who has been at the show as well, so »