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SFIV & "The Battle of Destiny: Road to Evolution" Tournament in the UK

July 27, 2008, 1 Comment on SFIV & "The Battle of Destiny: Road to Evolution" Tournament in the UK

A big tournament, known as The Battle Of Destiny: Road to Evolution (the title almost sounds like something from an old rock album) recently took place in the UK, and The Stinger Report was there to scope out how things went. From The Stinger: The UK Capital played host to what must be the »

Edinburgh Interactive Festival 08 to include a seminar by Kevin Williams on arcade games

July 24, 2008, No Comments on Edinburgh Interactive Festival 08 to include a seminar by Kevin Williams on arcade games

An upcoming gaming event to be held in Edinburgh, UK is going to feature a familiar face here at AH – Kevin Williams, the man behind The Stinger Report & it’s news feeds. Kevin will bring the face of arcade gaming to the event in a 40 minute seminar that will cover three important »

Konami's GTI Club Cabinet revealed

July 24, 2008, 1 Comment on Konami's GTI Club Cabinet revealed

I’m used to seeing arcade cabinets designed in a way to attract people’s attention but I have to say that this new image of Konami’s upcoming Mini racer, GTI Club takes the cake for anything I’ve seen lately. It portrays the look of a quaint shop you’d find in a narrow alley way in »

CastleVania: The Arcade Game

July 23, 2008, No Comments on CastleVania: The Arcade Game

Konami has tested out their new CastleVania: Arcade game in Japan and it is different than the ‘medal’ version I’ve seen on AM-Net – it’s an actual video game. It uses a cabinet similar to Konami’s Silent Hill arcade game and it even uses a whip-handle shaped motion controller and a type of enclose »

California Extreme 2008

July 21, 2008, 9 Comments on California Extreme 2008

I nearly forgot that CAX 2008 took place this past weekend – it’s the best arcade show in the country and here I am forgetting about it. Naturally, I was unable to go but for those that were able to, it sounds like it was absolutely awesome. I am not surprised to hear that »

Ice cream crane game

July 17, 2008, No Comments on Ice cream crane game

Now if the good old British summer would sort itself out, this new crane could do well! [via Highway Games] (Image provided by The Stinger Report) Atlus has developed the first ever crane machine designed to contain ice cream prizes. The machine, Triple Catcher Ice -25C, uses the latest freezing technology to maintain a »

New Batman: Dark Knight cabinet shot

July 17, 2008, No Comments on New Batman: Dark Knight cabinet shot

Above is the latest cabinet shot of the Batman: Dark Knight pinball table. This latest picture shows the actual table layout for the first time, although we all know it’s all about playing the game to see how it actually plays, so it’s hard to really comment on it to much. All I can say »

Silver Strike Bowling Championship results

July 15, 2008, No Comments on Silver Strike Bowling Championship results

One way to get players out to the arcade is to hold a tournament of sorts – get several people signed up, offer a cash prize, etc. While operators can only do this on a limited basis, some manufacturers are holding national tournaments with big prizes to get people out and play. A fine »

AMOA denounces direct sales

July 12, 2008, 2 Comments on AMOA denounces direct sales

From: (COMMENT FROM WEB PAGE) AMOA DENOUNCES DIRECT SALES – (posted Friday, July 11, 2008 — 8:30PM) In a stinging editorial published in the AMOA’s weekly email newsletter Off-The-Top, the association decried reports of “direct sales solicitations to location customers” by manufacturers. “Since the beginning of time, factories have been compelled to sell »

Next up on the Big Buck Hunter tournies – RAM JAM

July 12, 2008, No Comments on Next up on the Big Buck Hunter tournies – RAM JAM

Big Buck Safari has been one of my best earning games at my arcade recently (although last week it was beat by (brace yourselves) Indiana Jones Pinball which was the best earning game for that period) and I can hardly wait for the online update that it should have later this year which should »

What is coming for The Stinger Report over the next year

July 12, 2008, No Comments on What is coming for The Stinger Report over the next year

Those of you who read the site regularly know that we get a lot of tips and news from our friends at The Stinger Report. They get a lot of fascinating and important news and I think that it has helped us provide better coverage on the arcade industry as we have progressed. The »

A look at BlazBlue from AnimeExpo

July 8, 2008, No Comments on A look at BlazBlue from AnimeExpo

One of our forum members, PhilVer 0 had the opportunity to go to AnimeExpo in LA last weekend and check out the location test of the new arcade fighter BlazBlue by Arc System Works. They weren’t allowing pictures to be taken but he managed to get a couple taken without getting kicked out. The »