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More updates
I know I just mentioned some updates to the Atarigames website not too long ago but it looks like just a few days later they posted some more stuff that to anyone that enjoys arcade history could be considered a gold mine of information. So that’s why I’m bringing it up again as some »
Celebrating Space Invader's 30th anniversary
Cometh the Invader! The 30th Anniversary of ‘Space Invaders’ will play a major part in promoting the Taito empire over the coming months – the AOU show in Japan will be awash with celebrations. But before the corporate historians ‘whitewash’ the brand beyond recognition, The Stinger Report wanted to share the compiled time line »
Missing in Action: Space Games
Over the next little while I am going to run a feature every now and then where I discuss genres which have been “lost” to arcades. Where these genres were once a proud part of an arcade line-up, they have all taken a back seat to the current primary genres of the arcade industry »
New from IT – Silver Strike Bowling 2009
Incredible Technologies has launched a new website for their latest title, Silver Strike 2009: Bowler’s Club. Building upon the same formula that has made other Silver strike titles so popular, SSB09 adds some new tournament features that seek to attract even more players to the franchise. With the last SSB title IT ran several »
Konami ATEi 2008 Impressions
(More photos after the break) Last of the big names is Konami. I have to say thier stand was a bit on the sparse side. Guitar Freaks & Drum Mania V4 where present and attracting a lot of attention from players. Wacky Races also made an appearance on the stand, although, as I have said »
Naomi Bios Emulated, Sega Arcade Games Coming To A PC Near You
I’m not a massive emulator fan. Don’t get me wrong I think it’s great, I just can’t be bothered downloading these things and getting them working. I’m too busy writing for this site 🙂 However this may change my priorities! [Disclaimer – does not endorse this kind of activity] [via Kotaku] An enterprising »
Konami ATEi 2008 Videos: Wacky Races, Guitar Freaks V4 & Drummania V4
[Have now added Guitar Freaks & Drummania V4 videos submitted by You Tube user “bigaloo”] Guitar Freaks V4 Drummania V4 Wacky Races Now this one confused me. The game is made by Gamewax and Banpresto (Banpresto is owned by Namco, well that’s what I thought ?). However Wacky Races was on the Konami stand »
Global VR's ATEi 2008 Videos: Blazing Angels, Nascar & Americas Army
So after a hectic day at the ATEi yesterday I am now faced with the daunting task of sorting through 5gb worth of photos and videos. I decided the best thing to put up first would be the videos, because I figure that’s what all you guys want to see right? Once all the videos »
Mini Galaga Arcade Cabinet
1st we had the giant arcade cabinet, now we have the mini arcade cabinet. [via Arcade Lounge] There’s a constant flow of great machines to come out of the ArcadeControls forum. The majority of them following the discussed tried-and-tested styles for aesthetic and comfort reasons. Now and again something a little more interesting appears. This »
Raw Thrills' new coin-op title Big Buck Safari
[Via and The Stinger Report] We first learned about Raw Thrills’ latest game in a press release for ATEI and we now have a look at what the cabinet will look like. Labeled ‘Big Buck Safari’, this new game features a very eye-catching cabinet that may very well end up on a list »